24 September 2010

Two days ago..

Happy Moon Cake Festival! =)

I kinda enjoyed it.

That night,
My family and I, one lantern each,
we walked around the neighborhood.
at first it feels kinda weird and embarrassed.
as people might say..

yii, so old still play lantern.

but had they every thought that,
playing lantern during moon cake fest is a chinese tradition,
if We chinese are not to maintain our own culture, then who will?

To those who think playing lantern are just for kids,
you have no brains, or well, mayb you're not Chinese.

So we walked around the neighbor hood. Saw other ppl playing,
and they join us too =)
so the gang grew..

electronic lanterns are so !@#$%%@#$@#$%!@$# noisy!

i prefer the old one.

where's the fun of playing with fire and candles if you use the electric one?

nothing much to say.
going for kkhs moon cake concert later.

hope it'll be still ok..
first time to sit as audience but not on stage as performers.

and after the concert,
we will play lantern in school =D

looking forward to it hell much..
Hope shits wont flying at my face again.

will definitely piss me off.

ps. 我只想要你陪

1 comment:

  1. oh my gawd terence, i love the idea of playing lanterns like that. you family and you? this rocks, really. i wish i did that. your dad & mum rocks for doing that.

